Sunday, May 31, 2015

Addtional Blog: Senior Project Overall

I thought we were done...

I wasn't aware we were going to write an additional blog because I thought "FINALLY WE'RE DONE!" I guess not huh? Anyways, it feels great to be done with Senior Project. I guess it was nice to keep me busy throughout the year but it's a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. And I'm positive most of the senior class can agree with me. Although, I am thankful for the senior project because it had allowed me to grow closer to my mentor and become more involved with my goal to help save our planet. I do plan on supporting Planet Rehab as best as I can, by donating my time, abilities, and skills. I also know a lot more about the rainforest too. I was all about saving the ocean because I absolutely love the beach and I was going to have my topic on something on the ocean. I know more than I need to about the ocean and thought I could learn about another biome and what we may be losing there. That's what I did and I chose the rainforest.

Senior Project allowed me to learn more than just academics but how to apply myself in things that matter to me, in a better way. Thank you Ortega, Piggott, and Rivas. We understand it was tough adjusting but just about everyone pulled through. It's nice to have gone through all four years of I-Poly. It's been a great run.

Thank You!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Blog 23: Final Lesson Reflection

1) Positive Statement

I was most proud of the way I was speaking. It wasn't as nerve racking as I thought when I was speaking and it allowed for me to be more passionate and engaging to the audience. I was also really happy with being able to make my PowerPoint be more aesthetically pleasing.

2) Questions to Consider

A) I'd give myself  a P or an AP.

B) I'd give myself an AP.

3) What worked?

Mentorship was very easy for me. Meaning my mentor was very reliable. It allowed me to use him more and to be able to understand my topic in a better way.

4) What didn't work?

I'd go back and change my understanding on the research I was doing. I didn't quite understand what I was suppose to be looking for until the end of 1st semester. So it did effect me a little but I was still able to catch up. I also wish I would've gone into more depth in my presentation because I feel like I only scratched the surface when I could've expanded more.

5) Finding Values

Senior project has definitely set the bar, for projects, pretty high. So it allows for more confidence when facing projects that my be similar in the future. It also helps increase my comfortableness with public speaking. The research involved was an overload but that'll only make other homework seem like child's play. Senior project was all right and it did help.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog 21: Mentorship


The most important thing I gained from my experiences at mentor ship was being able to retain all the information that was given to me by my mentor. I was also able to apply the things I learned in my life, such as becoming vegetarian. I am not completely vegetarian but I have stopped eating red meat in all. While in mentor ship I always asked questions to further my education on the rainforest. I always asked about possible solutions which allowed for me to consider several answers for my EQ.


What I've learned from my mentor allowed me to have multiple answers for my EQ. The answers I have for my EQ now, I chose, after doing research and speaking with my mentor on how I can use this in my presentation and exactly how I'll be able to explain it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blog 20: Exit Interview

1) My EQ is "What is the best way to maintain equilibrium between man and nature in relation to the rainforest?" My answers to this EQ are: vegetarianism, responsible sourcing, and ecotourism. My best answer is ecotourism since it can be used to introduce the rest of my answers. Also the connections made with people and nature can sway people to be more open about what's actually going on in the rainforest.

2)  It took a lot of mentorship in order to find out about ecotourism, it also showed up on a lot of my research I did. So when I finally decided to look more into it, it turned out to be the best answer for my EQ.

3) I was confused about the research checks, I was only looking for general information on my topic and not information about my answers or on my EQ. I fixed this by realizing my mistake and quickly began looking for more information on my answers. I looked for blogs made by vegans or vegetarians because they are very passionate about their life style and they know exactly why and who they're doing it for. A lot of people did it for the animals as well as the environment. I learned tons on how wasteful meat is. When looking for responsible sourcing articles, I made sure I found out what particular items were causing more deforestation. When looking for research on ecotourism I purposely looked for

4) My mentor and my book Deep Jungle, by Fred Pearce. The both helped my find my answers and answer my EQ. My mentor Gary gave me suggestions on what my answers could be for my essential question. Deep Jungle helped me find ecotourism as my third answer. This book was very informative and also spoke about the people who lived in the rainforest. It helped me realize why they weren't always protecting the rainforest. The reason being was that the rainforest was their last hope in becoming successful economically. It was something that really convinced me that ecotourism needed to be my third answer.