While being mentored by Gary Mitchel, I've learned many things that not the average person my know about the world. I feel the things that I've been educated on, everyone should know this. It's something everyone should know and care about.
I've learned that there are five Gyres, which are when two currents of an ocean meet and create a giant whirl pool. All five of these Gyres are full of garbage, filth, and plastic. The Gyre between California and Hawaii is one and a half times the size of the U.S. Also about ninety-seven feet deep and counting. Trash is everywhere in the ocean, it is even washed up on islands that aren't even close to civilization. An island named Midway is in between Japan and Hawaii, very far away from civilization. The plastics that we use everyday wash up on its shores and is killing birds native to that island. One type of bird being affect by plastic is the Albatross, which is basically a seagull on steroids. It's wingspan can reach almost to twelve feet! Their babies are begin affected because they see the plastic and mistake it for bugs other small lizards. There are pictures with baby albatross skeletons and where their stomachs once sat, is now a pile of plastic. We have no connection to that island and yet we are affecting it. It's absolutely nuts to think that WE can have that kind of affect on our environment.